Water Quality Analysis

Water Quality Analysis Prices

Please see below for a price list of the various tests we offer.

Routine chemical and bacteriological £164 – Click here for a list of tests
Routine chemical £122 – Click here for a list of tests
Routine bacteriological £65 – Click here for a list of tests
Standard metals £63 – Click here for a list of tests
Coliforms/E.coli £30
TVC 22°C and 37°C £15
Enterococci £22
Pseudomonas aeruginosa £22
Iron, manganese and pH £40
Minimum charge £40

Further Information


1) These tests normally take between one and two weeks to complete.

2) Discounts may be arranged for large numbers of similar examinations.

3) We can attend on site if required charged at £45 per hour, including travelling time, plus £0.46/mile travelled.

4) Please make payments by BACS Transfer (Barclays Bank – Account Name: Oakwater Laboratories, Sort Code: 20-30-47, Account No: 73864758) or when you submit your samples by debit or credit card, cash or cheque (made payable to “Oakwater Laboratories”).

5) We are now able to accept payment by credit/debit card via the telephone.

Contact us today on 01392 882 321